Wednesday, June 24, 2009


OK, so now I'm not sure what to do. Maybe patience seems to be a good topic. I tend to lose my patience more nowadays and I am not sure why. Danny certainly tests it (that's his job I guess rotfl! xD) I love him so much so it balances itself out ;)

he came to visit me last night!! WHOO! I was half expecting it kinda but i wasn't banking on it. Made me forget my agitation from today tho so it was really nice to have him there. Poor baby is exhausted now.

anywho, my main project is to work on my patience stop and breathe before my mind goes nuts. This will help with day two's assignment as well...just going to take some practice.

Keep those posts coming guys! I really looks forward to them!! Thanks for all your support!!




  1. Yay Danny for progress! I mention you in my Blog and facebook because it really is a great thing that you're doing.

    Patience is a hard thing. I even struggle with it. Lately I have gotten to the point that I get so mad that I want to hit someone or something over like seriously nothing. So yeah we both need some work with that.

    I'm still praying!!

  2. lol! it's amazing how alike we are. probably why living together wasn't the smartest idea on our parts xD! Anyway, yes it was hard!!! Every day is a test and it seems like Danny is the one who tests me the most! Oh well, more on that in my update!! ^^

    Thanks lovey! <3


feel free to comment!! I love knowing who is reading this. Just a shout will do! just be nice is all ;) Blessings guys! <3